2025 Classes for Winter
Starting practical home care classes again this coming calendar year!
February 22 Saturday 11 am til 2 pm
Our class will be an introduction to identification and beneficial aspects of mushrooms.
We will make a combined mushroom syrup and a coffee blend for you to take home. Along the way we will talk about the phytochemistry, medicinal uses, identification, growing and storage of our local edible and medicinal mushrooms.
Raymond and Laurie teaching this class
These classes are at the La Crosse shop-home at 1729 Kane Street
Cost: $30 per class
Please call Laurie at 608-780-2255 or message here to register. Deposit is not required; pay at the time of class.
We will have a nicer post with more photos and information coming soon. The class information will be on our website soon as well. Thank you, I am very happy to be sharing recipes and herbs and health information with you all!
Herbs, Foods and Care of Kids with Respiratory Infections
January 25 Saturday 11 am til 2 pm

vitamins for kids like gummy bears, closeup
- yes we will make ache and fever gummies and perhaps a chest rub
- This course will have a lots of practical hands-on care information as well as help interpreting signs and symptoms so you know when home care is safe and when you need more medical supervision
Laurie is teaching this one. Kids are welcome!
These classes are at the La Crosse shop-home at 1729 Kane Street
Cost: $30 per class
Please call Laurie at 608-780-2255 or message here to register. Deposit is not required; pay at the time of class.
Next Class on February 22, 2025 Will be about edible and medicinal mushrooms. Class will cover basic information to ID and forage and medicinal use and preparation. Laurie and Raymond
2024 Classes for Winter and Spring
March 22: Root Beers and Spring Tonics – for a Deliciously Rejuvenating Spring!
Root beers are a wonderful tradition. We will make and sample several “natural sodas” such as traditional root beer, birch beer and ginger ale, and talk about the role of tonic drinks in gently cleansing and refreshing after our long Winter. You will have samples and recipes to take home and root beer making kits will be available for additional cost. These are not alcoholic “beers” though in naturally fermented bubbly sodas of all kinds, there is often a trace of alcohol, so for those wishing to avoid even trace amounts, we will make non-fermented but still bubbly versions of root beers using homemade syrup and soda water.
Class Sessions: Location – shop-home at 1729 Kane Street, La Crosse WI. Cost: $30 per session. Children are welcome; under 12 years old, cost is $10
Date and time: March 22 – day session 11:00am to 2:00pm, evening session 5:00 to 8:00pm
Integrative Clinical Herbalism and Family Health Course
The 2024 Class start February 24. We will accept late registration in individual cases.
This is a 9 month learning experience, encompassing the changes of plants and people through the Seasons.
You learn basic concepts of many pre-modern-medicine healing systems, and learn how these perspectives blend the health of spirit and physical bodies so wonderfully and in such practical ways. We learn to identify the qualities of imbalances in people, and then look at the qualities of our plant medicines, and use those observations to bring balance back to body and spirit. Along the way we will be foraging, identifying and collecting plants, growing and processing medicinal plants, learning how to store them and use them. You will develop your own plant journals and gradually collect a notebook of 50 to 100 plants with knowledge about their uses (“Materia Medica”). As you learn each plant medicine you will learn from the studies of botany, biochemistry (plant and people) and physiology, tailored to your personal level of this modern knowledge that you bring to the course. As we learn about different conditions and therapies you will also have help to start building your own first aid box and home-care cupboard or closet with your favorite useful herbs and related materials.
Every month you learn new ways of preparing herbs in foods and more focused forms. So you will have plenty of practice making oils, teas, tinctures, syrups, milks, powders and more. Best of all you will learn how herbs are a natural part of cooking for healing, and we will have many delicious recipes to experience and collect into your own recipe box or notebook.
This course is meant to provide you with practical and safe ways to promote and regain health on many levels, from treating surface scratches to using foods and herbs to deeply rejuvenate chronic imbalances. It is my joy to share what I know about how to bring the oldest and most modern knowledge about plant medicines together for you, and to learn from you as well. Below are links to more detailed descriptions of course content and related information.
Please contact me (Laurie) by email or phone (lalastiers@gmail.com, 608-780-2255) if you are interested in participating in this year’s class. Thank you!
Clink Link to view the Course description in Google document format
Click Link to view the Class Schedule in Google document format
2023 Classes for Fall and Winter
September 30, 11 am to 12:30 pm: Easy Ways to Dry Herbs and Foods
How to dry, store and use your garden harvest all year long
Come harvest your veggies at Kane Street garden and then come to the outdoor classroom to learn cheap, easy and of course delicious ways to use your harvest all year. You can save a lot of money and improve your family’s nutrition using many tools and techniques you may already have. Let’s talk about tea and spice and soup mixes, rubs and scrubs and more! Check out your wonderful community garden where you can harvest delicious veggies for free. It is truly your local resource for growing and using healthy foods.
Location: 901 Kane Street, La Crosse Wisconsin
Cost: free
August 6, 11 am to 1pm: The Healing Kitchen – Kichari for all seasons (and seasonings) “Lunch and Learn”
In this class we will sample several tasty recipes, using principles of Ayurveda to prepare dishes of steamed veggies and high protein grains, peas and beans along with spices and sauces designed to support your unique needs for every season of the year
While sipping and tasting you will be able to identify your personal combination of Doshas or metabolic types, and understand simple and delicious ways you can use this information to support the health of yourself and those you love.
More information on this and other classes coming soon!
Location: Wisdom of the Soul Wellness and Learning 319 Main Street Suite 404 La Crosse Wisconsin 54601
Cost: $30 includes lunch, Dosha evaluation and healing sound session
2023 Classes:
April 20: Root Beers and Tonic Drinks – for a Deliciously Rejuvenating Spring!
Root beers are a wonderful tradition. We will make and sample several “natural sodas” such as traditional root beer, birch beer and ginger ale, and talk about the role of tonic drinks in gently cleansing and refreshing after our long Winter. You will have samples and recipes to take home and root beer making kits will be available for additional cost. These are not alcoholic “beers” though in naturally fermented bubbly sodas of all kinds, there is often a trace of alcohol, so for those wishing to avoid even trace amounts, we will make non-fermented but still bubbly versions of root beers using homemade syrup and soda water.
Class Sessions: Location – shop-home at 1729 Kane Street, La Crosse WI. Cost: $30 per session. Children are welcome; under 12 years old, cost is $10
Date and time: April 20 Thursday – day session noon to 3pm, evening session 5:30 to 8:30pm
Diabetes – Herbs and Integrative Care – A 2 Class series will be available in November 2023 in e-book format
Class #1: Foods and Common Kitchen Spices
This class is more general prevention-oriented; we talk about and sample recipes for foods and drinks that help prevent adult-onset diabetes. We will discuss some pre-modern and cultural perspectives on diabetes as well as review a little modern medicine, nutrition, physiology, and basic signs and symptoms to watch out for. Class sessions: instructor will be available for questions by email; lalastiers@gmail.com
Class #2: More About Herbs and Foods that Manage Diabetes and Complications
This class is a little more problem-and-treatment oriented. Along with exercise and other integrative measures, there are many herbs and foods that are well-researched as safe materials for diabetes management. We will discuss those as well as how we combine them safely with medical supervision and prescriptions. Class sessions: Note: Class #1 and Class #2 can be taken separately or together. More information soon! Instructor will be available for questions by email: lalastiers@gmail.com
Integrative Clinical Herbalism and Family Health Course the 2023 Class started in mid-February. Please contact Laurie for more information on possibility of joining the last half of Month 2 (March 2023). New students for this course are not accepted beyond Wednesday March 15, 2023
This is an 8 month learning experience, encompassing the changes of plants and people through the Seasons.
You learn basic concepts of many pre-modern-medicine healing systems, and learn how these perspectives blend the health of spirit and physical bodies so wonderfully and in such practical ways. We learn to identify the qualities of imbalances in people, and then look at the qualities of our plant medicines, and use those observations to bring balance back to body and spirit. Along the way we will be foraging, identifying and collecting plants, growing and processing medicinal plants, learning how to store them and use them. You will develop your own plant journals and gradually collect a notebook of 50 to 100 plants with knowledge about their uses (“Materia Medica”). As you learn each plant medicine you will learn from the studies of botany, biochemistry (plant and people) and physiology, tailored to your personal level of this modern knowledge that you bring to the course. As we learn about different conditions and therapies you will also have help to start building your own first aid box and home-care cupboard or closet with your favorite useful herbs and related materials.
Every month you learn new ways of preparing herbs in foods and more focused forms. So you will have plenty of practice making oils, teas, tinctures, syrups, milks, powders and more. Best of all you will learn how herbs are a natural part of cooking for healing, and we will have many delicious recipes to experience and collect into your own recipe box or notebook.
This course is meant to provide you with practical and safe ways to promote and regain health on many levels, from treating surface scratches to using foods and herbs to deeply rejuvenate chronic imbalances. It is my joy to share what I know about how to bring the oldest and most modern knowledge about plant medicines together for you, and to learn from you as well. Below are links to more detailed descriptions of course content and related information.
Please contact me (Laurie) by email or phone (lalastiers@gmail.com, 608-780-2255) if you are interested in participating in this year’s class. Thank you!
Clink Link to view the Course description in Google document format
Click Link to view the Class Schedule in Google document format
2022 Classes
Hi everybody! This is a reminder about our upcoming classes and shop opportunities for November and December 2022:
“Third Thursdays” starting this month on November 18 with the class The Supported Fall Cleanse. This 2 hour class includes soup, teas and things to nibble as you learn basic principles of safe “detox” recipes adapted for the Fall into Winter seasons. A gentle cleanse at this time can also include herbs and foods that strengthen your immune system defenses against all the usual colds and flu-like illnesses.
Special Saturday class by request! December 10 Making Hydrosols and Essential Oils We will use chocolate mint and arbor vitae to make hydrosols and essential oils in class, and demonstrate different types of distillation. We will discuss some of the chemistry of aromatherapy and volatile plant compounds. You will have samples to take home and recipes to use.
“Third Thursday” for December: December 15 Wreaths Swags Sachets and Smudges We will make all manner of herbal holiday crafts both beautiful and useful, and will talk about some of the history of hanging and strewing herbs. I will have sachet bags and grapevine wreath frames and many dried and fresh materials to add to your creations, which you will be able to take home. Always a fun class! Children of all ages welcome.
These classes are all at the HerbsAllAround “shop home” at 1729 Kane Street on the beautiful North Side of La Crosse. Classes all have a noon til 2 session and a repeated class 6 til 8 pm session. We also have a remote/Zoom participation option.
Cost is $20 for each session. Students can pay before or at the time of the class. We accept cash, credit cards, checks, and payment through Venmo and Paypal.
Paypal: Laurie Stiers Venmo: @Laurie-Stiers-1
Instructor: Laurie Stiers Certified Clinical Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, Family Nurse Practitioner
Register by contacting Laurie by text or call 608-780-2255, or email lalastiers@gmail.com. Please specify in-person or Zoom, and which class and session you would like to attend.
September-October 2022
Every Friday – check with us for details
Drop In Classes and Pop Up Shops! Each Friday we will be making things to help us ward off colds and flu bugs and go through our Fall and
Winter months in good health.
September 16 and 23: Elderberry syrups and Cold-fighting Teas and Soups
Drop in to the shop between noon and 4pm to make herbal things that you can take home. Cost $20 includes your take home herbs and instructions.
Additional herbal materials are 50% off on Fridays!
See our Facebook page for updates
May 7 2022: Mother’s Day Potting Party and Plant Walk
Instructor: Laurie Stiers CH MSN FNP BSc Holistic Nutrition.
In this 3-hour class we will:
- paint or decorate your favorite plant pot if desired
- identify edible and useful plants all around to forage and “adopt”
- plant seedlings in pots to take home
- herbal sips and munchies!
All ages welcome! Wear clothes you can get paint and dirt on. Bring a trowel if you have one.
Where: in person –Garden House W21046 Deer Run Lane in Galesville Wisconsin 54630
When: Noon to 3PM
on-line — this is for now, an in-person class; more on-line plant talks to come
Registration and Cost: $20 which includes decorated pots to take home to Mother
Pre-register by contacting Laurie at 608-780-2255 or emailing Laurie at lalastiers@gmail.com Payment through Venmo (Laurie-Stiers-1), Paypal (lalastiers@gmail.com) or credit card, before or on the day of this event
Happy Mothers’ Day from our Mother Earth to all the Moms in the world!